Case Photo #16 (Approved)

Protecting Swiss waters

Our Swiss beer brand Feldschlösschen is committed to the renaturation, purification and protection of the lakes and rivers that play a vital role in Switzerland’s ecosystems and beautiful landscape.

In 2022, the brand launched a three-year campaign to encourage people across the country to care for Swiss waters and do their part by getting involved in local clean-up events.

Feldschlösschen kicked off the Together for Healthy Swiss Waters campaign with a donation of half a million Swiss francs (DKK 3.8m) and raised awareness through media coverage and attention-grabbing promotions in retail stores launched on World Water Day
in April 2022.

In the first year of the campaign, specific stretches of watercourses have been identified for renaturation and revitalisation working with local partners. Together with NGO partner IGSU, Feldschlösschen held a series of river clean-up days that brought together volunteers to clear litter from river banks in the cities of Basel, Bern and Zürich. The brand also sponsored divers to collect  underwater waste on World Clean Up Day in September 2022, together with the environmental organisation Abffalltaucher.

"Feldschlösschen and IG saubere Umwelt, IGSU, share the same values: we care about a clean environment and are actively committed to achieving it. For this reason, in the  summer of 2022 we jointly cleared riverbanks in Bern, Basel and Zürich of litter, thus setting an example against littering."

- Nora Steimer
Managing Director, IGSU, Interest Group for a Clean
Environment in Switzerland

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