
Mikael Aro

Nationality: Finnish
Year of birth: 1965

Mikael Aro has broad commercial experience from the drinks industry. He was head of the Northern Europe region in the Carlsberg Group from 2007 to 2009. Before that, he was CEO of Sinebrychoff Ab, where he had also held roles as commercial and sales director. Before Sinebrychoff, Mikael held various sales and commercial roles in Coca-Cola Juomat in Finland. He has also been CEO of Finnish  travel, logistics and maintenance service company VR Group. Mikael’s current role is Senior Industry Adviser in the private equity firm Triton. He is Chair of the Board of Directors of Glamox AS, Geia Foods AS, Flokk AS and Esperi Care Oy and member of the Board of Directors of Habeo Group.

Mikael has strong experience of the branded beverage sector. He has significant financial knowledge and in-depth knowledge of mergers and acquisitions, business development, logistics, sales and marketing. He has also extensive experience in doing business in Russia. He has also served as chair or member in many listed and non-listed companies.

Other board positions in commercial undertakings:

Board Chair: Kojamo Oyj, Caverion 
Board Committees: Kojamo (Chair of the Remuneration Committee), Caverion (Chair Audit Committee, member of the Human Resources Committee)